The first trailer for the Tetris movie looks like good, wild fun


The first trailer for the Tetris movie is here, providing a look at the genuinely wild story behind the origin of Tetris.

When I first heard there was going to be a Tetris movie I thought, “video game adaptations have gone too far.” Obviously turning the game into a film just isn’t really possible, but turning the story behind how Tetris became the sensation it went on to be is. That’s exactly what Tetris, the Apple TV+ exclusive film is all about, following the events that unfolded between Henk Rogers, the man that “risked his life to outsmart the KGB and turn Tetris into a worldwide sensation,” and Alexey Pajitnov, Tetris’ creator.

The film, due out March 31, stars Kingsman’s Taron Egerton as Rogers, and Nikita Efremov as Pajitnov. Set in 1988, it shows Rogers discovering Tetris, and in turn him supposedly risking his life travelling to the Soviet Union (as it was known at the time). Honestly, I didn’t expect a film like this to look as good as it does. There’s a justified amount of reverence for the game, but it’s clearly not taking itself entirely seriously.

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