The Forspoken final boss has leaked online, watch out for spoilers!


Forspoken’s ending has leaked online. Square Enix is attempting to take down clips, but like a sailor bailing water from a sinking boat, new clips keep on flooding the internet. If you want to remain spoiler-free, be careful!

These clips, featuring the full final boss of Forspoken, come only a week after much of the game’s opening was also revealed ahead of launch. Looking through posts on hubs for leaks such as Reddit, one can easily find the ending, even if Square Enix is doing its damndest to take down videos where it finds them.

We obviously won’t go into what the final boss is, but those of you out there eager to try the game out yourself should beware social media for the foreseeable future. A stray retweet or random post recommended to you could very well take the surprise out of the game’s final act. Better play it safe, and take precautions.

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