The scariest games you can play this Halloween – that aren’t what you think


Spooky season is upon us. The nights are drawing in, the smell of leaf mulch is in the air, and the clouds are stretching out across the sky, getting thinner and wider and seemingly further away – it all looks as if the barriers between the worlds are fading.

It’s the perfect time, then, to stay indoors; watch the long autumn evenings drip into night from the safety of your sofa, where you’re all wrapped up with a mug of tea and your favourite spooky game. Maybe you’ll turn to an old classic – Resident Evil or Dead Space – and by the time you look outside again, there’s only the pale light of a harvest moon, illuminating the dead streets and frigid pavements of your road.

Perhaps you don’t want to get back into a classic, though – you’ve played through SOMA one too many times, maybe, and Alien: Isolation just isn’t cutting it for you anymore. So we’re here to help.

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