Top 10 Call of Duty Maps

This is a list of my top ten call of duty maps of all time. I started playing Call of Duty in 2013, and my first Call of Duty was black ops 2 and is my favorite game of all time.

10: Terminal (Modern Warfare 2)

Terminal is easily one of the most recognizable maps of all time. If you do not remember this map from multiplayer you will surely remember one of the most controversial missions in the Call of Duty history. The map being medium to long-range making this map amazing for snipers, and assault rifles. This map also has very short range choke points in shops and storage claim areas making it good for submachine gun players also.

9: Firing Range (Black Ops 1)

call of duty maps
Credit: Treyarch

I got my introduction to Firing Range in Black Ops 2 as Studio, but I later revisited Black Ops 1 and have found appreciation for the original map. This map is good for short to medium range combat. You can also play this map effectively with an Assault rifle if you play angles correctly. This map is a traditional three-lane map with a building and a sniper tower that trickshotters love.

8: Summit (Black Ops 1)

call of duty maps
Credit: Treyarch

Summit from Black Ops 1 is easily my favorite Black Ops 1 map behind Nuketown. Summit is a small to medium sized map, making it best to use a sub on this map. Sub’s will easily rip you apart if they are good enough. Assault rifles are also an effective weapon if you distance yourself on the far side of the map or in the middle sitting in a window. I have also seen snipers get amazing clips on this map on Black Ops 2.

7: Highrise (Modern Warfare 2)

Highrise is a close to medium range combat, with minor long range combat. Highrise is such a amazing map for Sniper players. Sniper players can kill the entire other team off spawn if they are good enough. ARs rule the medium parts of the map, but if you are good enough with a sub you can easily destroy an average AR player. Trickshotters love getting on top of the crane and so do campers with ARs and LMGs. Highrise is an all around good map even the lowest part of the map under the surface are well designed.

6: Rust (Modern Warfare 2)

With the number six spot we visit the place where all beefs with snipers were solved on Modern Warfare 2. One of the most annoying maps to deal with when against a good sniper. I could not imagine trying Pamaj on this map. Rust is a short to medium range map with multiple layers. You can get on the oil rig, and if you get on top of it you can dominate the entire map. I have been playing this map in Modern Warfare and against good sub players and AR players its a nightmare. In Modern Warfare 2 however I would only worry about good sub players. An AR can be effective on this map but they could only do bad damage on top of the oil rig.

5: Shipment (Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

One of the smallest maps in Call of Duty history is number five which is Shipment. Shipment is the most hectic and fun map in Call of Duty history. Shipment is a roaming ground for good sub players. Also known for the amazing 1v1s it has produced and the hardest spawn trap to get out of in history. With an amazing sniper if you get spawn trapped just leave the game. This map is good for just relaxing or going to destroy the other teams soul.

4: Standoff (Black Ops 2)

Credit: Treyarch

One of the most amazing maps for competitive Call of Duty is number four which is Standoff. With it being played on any gamemode is a great time. You can use any gun on this map and do good. Literally everyone likes this map casuals, trickshotters, and competitive players all love this map. Standoff is a rare map because of the basic three lane map system but it is connected so well you barely notice its a three lane map.

3: Crash (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare)

Credit: Infinity Ward

One of the best maps ever in CoD history for just straight up pub stomping is number three crash. With the amazing far left ally you can sit back on the fish shop and destroy ally rushers. With the far right you have the building behind the crashed chopper with three dynamic floors each making an AR more deadly than the next. A sniper can also be extremely effective on top of the building. Sub players love sitting close to the helicopter using it for cover or using it to confuse opponents and destroying them.

2: Nuketown 2025 (Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2)

Credit: Treyarch

Yes, I choose Nuketown from Black Ops 2 from Black Ops 1. I believe that Black Ops 2 had the better maps and Nuketown was so much more enjoyable in Black Ops 2 than one. Nuketown is the definition of fun in Call of Duty and in life in general. This map is so popular is was made into a paintball map in real life. This map is one of the best ever to be in any game ever.

1: Raid (Black Ops 2)

Credit: Treyarch

Raid has everything a good map needs dynamic design, multiple layers, and any gun is good to use. Everyone likes this map from casuals all the way to trickshotters. Black Ops 2 to me was the best game ever made. No game has even come close to me for saying its as good. This game is the reason Call of Duty is a juggernaut inside the gaming industry. No game will ever match up to Black Ops 2 for me and this map made my experience amazing.