Valorant Showcase New Hero “Reyna”

Valorant Showcase New Hero "Reyna"

Valorant showcase new hero “Reyna” in their Twitter announcement they said, “REYNA /// Mexico “What hope do these criaturas have?” #VALORANT

In the Tweet they reveal that the hero’s name is Reyna and she is from Mexico. The abilities she has is a healing ability, a stun ability, and a damaging ability. When Reyna uses her healing ability she says, “give me your heart!”. When Reyna uses her blinding ability she says, “see nothing!”. Her primary colors are shown to be purple and black. Riot also released a Reyna Spotify playlist.

Many players responded to this very excited about this hero, Dizzy said, “im a reyna main now :)”.

Other players are replying to the Tweet with comparisons to Sombra from Overwatch, and many people are questioning when the first nerf to her will come. Mendo from Team Liquid said, “reyna main reporting in”.

The private beta ended a couple of days ago, and the full game is planned to be released June 2nd. Riot Games also disclosed that the full game will be introducing another map and the hero Reyna which we were introduced to today. ESPN Esports will do a 12-hour livestream on June 1st and it will feature interviews with developers, pro players, team owners, casters, a live skin design, and much more. It will be livestreamed on ESPN Esports twitch channel here.

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