VG247 Reader Survey: tell us how much the on-going cost of living crisis has affected your gaming habits


It’s that time of year again, readers. We’re putting up an article begging you for interaction and comment, desperate for some sense of dialogue with our handsome, intelligent and probably enchantingly-odored fans/tolerators. It’s survey time.

Today, we’re coming cap-in-hand, and asking whether or not the cost of living crisis has affected the way you play games. You may have noticed the standard price of new-gen titles has gone up to about $70, and we’ve also worked out that it costs about 2.5 Greggs sausage rolls to complete God of War Ragnarok on PS5 (just in terms of how much energy it takes to run the title). Given how much everything is starting to cost, we want to know how affected you are by the squeeze – it can’t just be us tightening our proverbial gaming belts, can it?

The whole thing should only take between 5-10 minutes of your time, and it helps us get some more specific insight into the way the world of gaming (and its audience) is changing.

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