YouTuber “TwizzFizz” recreates InvaderVie’s Viral Clip

There has been a lot of traction in a recent clip that was pulled from Twitch Streamer “InvaderVie” livestream of her saying, “I’m not asking for a large financial contribution if it costs $20 to sub, $20 is a large amount of money but a sub is $5, at most in your currency it’s $10.” She then continues to say, “So like saying I’m broke I can’t afford to sub, that doesn’t really track. What you mean to say is I’m so irresponsible with my money I can’t support the entertainment that I enjoy”. This caused a lot of backlash from not only her viewers but nearly the whole Twitch community. The video mentioned has over 300,000 views on Twitch alone. You can see the full story and video clip of InvaderVie here.

YouTuber “TwizzFizz” has created her own version of InvaderVie’s video clip, but with a twist. TwizzFizz reiterates what InvaderVie says in her video, but said in a more blunt way than InvaderVie. TwizzFizz in the video, says. “It doesn’t really how much money you make or how much money you have, as long as you’re giving it to me. I’m not asking you for a large financial contribution, I shouldn’t have you ask you. You should just give it to me you stingy fu*ckers…If you don’t have five dollars then you shouldn’t be watching Twitch because you probably not allowed to be considering you must be a slave, honestly that is kind of concerning because that just means you’re not a slave to me. Why are you here?… Okay let me put it this way, a meal is 20 dollars, which means if you skip a meal you can sub to me four times. Imagine how many times you can sub to me if you just didn’t eat. So saying I’m poor and I can’t afford to sub, that doesn’t really track.” Although it was not said in exact verbatim, it is not far off from what was said by InvaderVie. You can watch the TwizzFizz video below.

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